Our Girls


WINTERHAVEN AGAINST ALL ODDS “Spirit” Our young puppy off to a great start winning another BEST PUPPY IN GROUP at only 7 months old. This lovely puppy is by CH. WINTERHAVEN WISH UPON A STAR X WINTERHAVEN GREAT EXPECTIONS. We are having fun showing this girl who is enjoying all the attention. Spirit needs only 3 more points to achive her Championship.

Having Fun at the Pomeranian 2018 Specialty. My Thanks to respected Judge Sean Delmar awarding 7 month old PINECREST IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE "Raeylnn" her first time out as a Senior Puppy winning RESERVE WINNERS BITCH.

WINTERHAVEN UNFORGETABLE AVA winning BEST PUPPY IN GROUP under respected Judge Mr. E. Aguilo Ggonzales.

Winterhaven Love has no Limits winning Best Baby Puppy in Group Twice her First Time Out. Our Thanks to Respected Judges Peter Machen and Erodotos Neofytou. Owner Breeder Handled.

We are very pleased to present CANADIAN CHAMPION PINECREST NO SHRINKING VIOLET "Violet".
New Champion Winterhaven Affair To Remember owned and bred by Sandra Beisel
DRU'S WAIT N C AT WiINTERHAVEN as a Senior Puppy wins Group 3rd and Puppy Group her second time out under Judge Mr. B. Walkey.
Placing first in Canadian Bred Class at the Pomeranian Club of Canada National Specialty Show on July 14th 2012.
Dream won her Canadian Chamionship on December 27, 2012.
Our new Lady, Penny Lane is now pointed in the US with Karen Power, her breeder. This very clean, sound girl is off to a good start here in Canada, winning her Canadian Championship even though she had blown her coat! I really enjoyed showing Penny as she is a true little sweetheart.
Our little Gwen has style and movement and the most correct coat that I have ever seen. Her first time out, February 22/08 in a Canadian show she gets a two point win under Judge Dave Eadie.
Cher is now an American and Canadian Champion with a Major Win in the US. Susan Popescu always does so well with presenting our Poms, very professional in every respect. We are proud of this team!
Our girl DAYSTAR DELERIOUS, better known as "Della" from Karen Power of Daystar Pomeranians is a very welcome addition to Winterhaven Kennels as a great brood with these wonderful lines in her pedigree.
We are delighted with the respected Judges Mr. David Swartwood, Mr. Bruce Owen, Mr. Arley Hussin, Mrs. Jean Fournier, Ms. V. Lyns, Ainslie Mills, Mr. E. Bivin for Winterhaven R Love Affair "Flirts" wins of Group 4, Puppy Group, Multi Best Puppy, Multi Best In Breed , Best of Opposite.
Starforce Ginger Snap, we call her "Lily". a lovely girl. ."Lily's" head is beautiful, a very sound girl with temperment and movement to behold, lovely short back and wonderful tail set.
WINTERHAVEN'S LIL CHANTILLY LACE-"Lacey" behaved very well for her first show. Winning BEST FEMALE, BEST PUPPY IN BREED, BEST OF BREED, and a 3RD IN GROUP at the Georgina Kennel and Obedience Club Sanction Match on Nov. 12 2009. On Nov. 13, 14 & 15 2009 she also placed Reserve. It was a relaxed fun show and we are delighted with her outgoing happy way. She has 5 points towards her Canadain Championship.
For more information please contact Ross or Sandra Beisel at: 1-519-848-2982 or email us at: |